If you are planning how to reach from Hubli to Bangalore, according to Google map, the distance between two cities via the NH4 highway is 412 kilometers.
If you go by car it won’t take more than 7 hours to reach you to Bangalore from Hubli city.
Bus journey in KSRTC as well as private travels like SRS VRL, and many more will take 7 to 8 hours to reach the city.
The trains, busses, and flights operate daily from Hubli to Bangalore.
Hubli(HBX) to Bangalore(BLR) Flight
The flight is the fastest way to reach Bangalore from Hubli airport takes 1h 20m non-stop and presently Air Pegasus is offering flight journey between two cities. Wants to know Hubli to Bangalore flight timings and you book an online ticket with Makemytrip.
Hubli(UBL) to Bangalore(SBC, YPR) Trains
Every day there is a number of direct trains like Intercity & Jan Shatabdi Express, Passenger train and many more are traveling from UBL to SBC, YPR. If you want to reach urgently then you can pick Jan Shatabdi Express it will take in 6 to 7 hours and the other express trains are there like Intercity etc they take you in 8 hours.
Get detail information about the list of Trains like Train number, timing, and fares from Hubli (UBL) to Bangalore railway station. Online train booking can be done from the IRCTC portal before the process of online booking you must be registered user of the IRCTC portal then you can book a ticket online by making online payments.
Plenty of busses are traveling from Hubli to Bangalore every day from KSRTC as well as private travels like SRS, VRL, and many are there.